Social Agreement/Terms and Conditons

Performer Agreement for Events

This Performer Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into between Tercer Cielo LLC known as Cielo Mystic, represented by its Director John Catana, and the undersigned performer (“Performer”) participating in the event as a volunteer. This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions that all performers must adhere to in order to ensure a successful event aligned with the Event’s mission statement and brand ethics. Please read and understand this Agreement carefully before signing.
• Mission Statement Adherence: The Performer acknowledges and understands the Event’s mission statement, which aims to create an environment where aspiring artists can express their talents and experience operating their craft publicly. By participating in the event, the Performer agrees to support and uphold this mission statement:
• No Smoking Policy: Smoking is strictly prohibited within the event space. The Performer agrees not to smoke or use any tobacco or marihuana products within the space of the event. Any smoking or recreational use must be down at least 100 feet from the event space and away from public view.
• Volunteer Basis: The Performer acknowledges that their participation in the event is on a voluntary basis and that no financial compensation will be provided unless otherwise stipulated in a separate written agreement.
• Brand Representation: The Performer acknowledges that they are an extension of the Event’s brand. Therefore, they agree to behave morally,  and in alignment with the Event’s brand ethics throughout their involvement in the event. This includes demonstrating respect towards all participants, attendees, and brand partners.
• Respect for Performances: The Performer agrees not to heckle, distract, or hinder any other performance taking place during the event. They will show support and respect for fellow performers and their craft.
• Prohibition of Physical Altercations: The Performer understands that engaging in any physically aggressive behavior or altercations with other performers or brand partners is strictly prohibited. Any performer found to be involved in such incidents may be immediately dismissed from the event and banned from participating in any future performance opportunities associated with the Event.
• Severability: If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
• Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Jersey. Any legal action or proceeding arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the courts of Hudson county, NJ.
By signing below, the Performer acknowledges that they have carefully read and fully understand the contents of this Agreement and voluntarily agree to its terms.
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